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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections

Title of the book : Campbell Biology: Concepts & Connections
Author                :  Martha R,Eric J,Jean L,Kelly A,Jane B.
Edition                : Ninth Edition
Year                     : 2017
Book language  : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 108 MB
pages                    : 928

➤Description :

Campbell Biology : Concepts & Connections continues to introduce pedagogical innovations, which motivate students not only to learn, but also engage with biology.
This bestselling textbook is designed to help students stay focused with its hallmark modular organization around central concepts and engages students in connections between concepts and the world outside of the classroom with Scientific Thinking, Evolution Connection and Connection essays in every chapter.
The 9th Edition offers students a framework organized around fundamental biological themes and encourages them to analyze visual representations of data with new Visualizing the Data figures .A reorganized Chapter One emphasizes the process of science and scientific reasoning, and robust instructor resources and multimedia allow students to engage with biological concepts in a memorable way. Unparalleled resources let instructors develop active and high interest lectures with ease.

➤Brief Contents : 

⧫ 1 : Biology: Exploring Life 1
↦ Unit I : The Life of the Cell
⧫ 2 : The Chemical Basis of Life 20
⧫ 3 : The Molecules of Cells 36
⧫ 4 : A Tour of the Cell 54
⧫ 5 : The Working Cell 76
⧫ 6 : How Cells Harvest Chemical Energy 92
⧫ 7 : Photosynthesis: Using Light to Make Food 110

↦ Unit II :  Cellular Reproduction and Genetics
⧫ 8 : The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance 128
 9 : Patterns of Inheritance 156

⧫ 10 : Molecular Biology of the Gene 184
⧫ 11 : How Genes Are Controlled 212
⧫ 12 : DNA Technology and Genomics 234
↦ Unit III :  Concepts of Evolution
⧫ 13 : How Populations Evolve 258
⧫ 14 : The Origin of Species 280
⧫ 15 : Tracing Evolutionary History 296

↦ Unit IV :  The Evolution of Biological Diversity
⧫ 16 : Microbial Life: Prokaryotes and Protists 322
⧫ 17 : The Evolution of Plant and Fungal Diversity 344
⧫ 18 : The Evolution of Invertebrate Diversity 368
⧫ 19 : The Evolution of Vertebrate Diversity 392

↦ Unit V :  Animals: Form and Function
⧫ 20 : Unifying Concepts of Animal Structure and Function 416
⧫ 21 : Nutrition and Digestion 432
⧫ 22 : Gas Exchange 456
⧫ 23 : Circulation 470
⧫ 24 : The Immune System 488
⧫ 25 : Control of Body Temperature and Water Balance 508
⧫ 26 : Hormones and the Endocrine System 520
⧫ 27 : Reproduction and Embryonic Development 536
⧫ 28 : Nervous Systems 566
⧫ 29 : The Senses 590
⧫ 30 : How Animals Move 606
↦ Unit VI :  Plants: Form and Function
⧫ 31 : Plant Structure, Growth, and Reproduction 624
⧫ 32 : Plant Nutrition and Transport 646
⧫ 33 : Control Systems in Plants 664
↦ Unit VII :  Ecology
⧫ 34 : The Biosphere: An Introduction to Earth’s Diverse Environments 682
⧫ 35 : Behavioral Adaptations to the Environment 702
⧫ 36 : Population Ecology 726
⧫ 37 : Communities and Ecosystems 742
⧫ 38 : Conservation Biology 764

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