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lundi 20 juillet 2020

General Chemistry : The Essential Concepts

Title of the book :  General Chemistry : The Essential Concepts,6th Edition
Author                 :  Jason Overby , Raymond Chang 
Publisher             : McGraw-Hill
Year                     : 2010
Book language    : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 95 MB
pages                    : 853

➤Description :

This edition of General Chemistry continues the tradition of presenting only the material that is essential for a one-year general chemistry course .It strikes a balance between theory and application by incorporating real-world example ; helping students visualize the three-dimensional atomic and molecular structures that are the basis of chemical activity and developing problem-solving and critical thinking skills .

➤Table of Contents: 

⧫ Chapter  1 :  Introduction .
⧫ Chapter  2 :  Atoms,Molecules,and Ions .
⧫ Chapter  3 :  Stoichiometry .
 Chapter  4 : Reactions in Aqueous Solutions . 
⧫ Chapter  5 :  Gases .
⧫ Chapter  6 :  Energy Relationships in Chemical Reactions .
⧫ Chapter  7 :  The Electronic Structure of Atoms .
⧫ Chapter  8 :  The Periodic Structure Table .
⧫ Chapter  9 :   Chemical Bonding I : The Covalent Bond 
⧫ Chapter 10: Chemical Bonding II : Molecular Geometry and Hybridization of Atomic Orbitals .

⧫ Chapter 11 : Introduction to Organic Chemistry .
⧫ Chapter 12 : Intermolecular Forces ad Liquids and Solids .
⧫ Chapter 13 : Physical Properties of Solutions .
⧫ Chapter 14 : Chemical Kinetics .
⧫ Chapter 15 : Chemical Equilibrium .
⧫ Chapter 16 : Acids and Bases . 
⧫ Chapter 17 : Acid-Base Equilibria and Solubility Equilibria .
⧫ Chapter 18 : Thermodynamics .
⧫ Chapter 19 : Redox Reactions and Electrochemistry .
⧫ Chapter 20 : The Chemistry of Coordination Compounds .
⧫ Chapter 21 : Nuclear Chemistry .
⧫ Chapter 22 : Organic Polymers--Synthetic and Natural  . 
⧫ Appendix 1 :  Units for the Gas Constant . 
⧫ Appendix 2 :  Selected Thermodynamic Data at 1 atm and 25°C .
⧫ Appendix 3 :  Mathematical Operations . 
⧫ Appendix 4 :  The Elements and the Derivation of Their Names and Symbols .  

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