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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Integrated Principles of Zoology

Integrated Principles of Zoology 

Title of the book : Integrated Principles of Zoology
Author                : Cleveland P. Hickman
Edition                : 14 th Edition
Year                     : 2007
Book language  : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 81.90 MB
pages                    : 936

➤Description :

Emphasizing the principles of evolution and zoological science, this best-selling text describes the diversity of animal life and the fascinating adaptations that enable animals to inhabit so many ecological niches. Featuring high quality illustrations and photographs and an engaging narrative, "Integrated Principles of Zoology" is considered the standard by which other texts are measured. With its traditional organization and comprehensive coverage, this text is suitable for one- or two-semester introductory courses in zoology.

➤Contents In Brief : 

↦ Part I :  Introduction to Living Animals
⧫ Chapter  1 : Life: Biological Principles and the Science of Zoology
⧫ Chapter  2 : The Origin and Chemistry of Life
⧫ Chapter  3 : Cells as Units of Life
 Chapter  4 : Cellular Metabolism
↦ Part II :  Continuity and Evolution Of Animal Life 
⧫ Chapter  5 : Genetics: A Review
⧫ Chapter  6 : Organic Evolution
⧫ Chapter  7 : The Reproductive Process
⧫ Chapter  8 : Principles of Development
⧫ Chapter  9 : Architectural Pattern of an Animal
⧫ Chapter 10 : Taxonomy and Phylogeny of Animals
⧫ Chapter 11 : Protozoan Groups
⧫ Chapter 12 : Sponges and Placozoans

⧫ Chapter 13 : Radiate Animals
↦ Part III :  Diversity of Animal Life
⧫ Chapter 14 : Flatworms, Mesozoans and Ribbon Worms
⧫ Chapter 15 : Gnathiferans and Smaller Lophotrochozoans

⧫ Chapter 16 : Molluscs
⧫ Chapter 17 : Annelids and Allied Taxa
⧫ Chapter 18 : Smaller Ecdysozoans
⧫ Chapter 19 : Trilobites, Chelicerates, and Myriapods
⧫ Chapter 20 : Crustaceans
⧫ Chapter 21 : Hexapods
⧫ Chapter 22 : Chaetognaths, Echinoderms, and Hemichordates
⧫ Chapter 23 : Chordates
⧫ Chapter 24 : Fishes
⧫ Chapter 25 : Early Tetrapods and Modern Amphibians
⧫ Chapter 26 : Amniote Origins and Nonavian Reptiles
⧫ Chapter 27 : Birds
⧫ Chapter 28 : Mammals
↦ Part IV :  Activity of Life
⧫ Chapter 29 : Support, Protection, and Movement
⧫ Chapter 30 : Homeostasis: Osmotic Regulation, Excretion, and Temperature Regulation
⧫ Chapter 31 : Internal Fluids and Respiration
⧫ Chapter 32 : Digestion and Nutrition
⧫ Chapter 33 : Nervous Coordination: Nervous System and Sense Organs
⧫ Chapter 34 : Chemical Coordination: Endocrine System
⧫ Chapter 35 : Immunity
⧫ Chapter 36 : Animal Behavior
↦ Part V :  Animals and Their Environments 
⧫ Chapter 37 : The Biosphere and Animal Distribution
⧫ Chapter 38 : Animal Ecology

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