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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications

Title of the book : Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications
Author                 : Ricki Lewis
Edition                : 12th Edition
Year                     : 2018
Book language  : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 71.34 MB
pages                    : 481

➤Description :

Today, human genetics is for everyone. It is about variation more than about illnesses, and increasingly about the common rather than about the rare. Once an obscure science or an occasional explanation for an odd collection of symptoms, human genetics is now part of everyday conversation. By coming to know genetic backgrounds, people can control their environments in more healthy ways. Genetic knowledge is, therefore, both informative and empowering. This edition of Human Genetics: Concepts and Applications shows students how and why that is true.

➤Brief  Contents: 

↦ Part I : Introduction
➥ 1 : What Is in a Human Genome?
 2 : Cells
➥ 3 : Meiosis, Development, and Aging

↦ Part II : Transmission Genetics
 4 :  Single-Gene Inheritance
 5 :  Beyond Mendel’s Laws
 6 :  Matters of Sex
➥ 7 :  Multifactorial Traits
 8 :  Genetics of Behavior

↦ Part III : DNA and Chromosomes 
 9 :  DNA Structure and Replication
 10 :  Gene Action: From DNA to Protein
 11 :  Gene Expression and Epigenetics
➥ 12 :  Gene Mutation
 13 :  Chromosomes
↦ Part IV : Population Genetics
➥ 14  : Constant Allele Frequencies and DNA Forensics
 15 : Changing Allele Frequencies
➥ 16 : Human Ancestry and Evolution
↦ Part V : Immunity and Cancer
➥ 17  : Genetics of Immunity
 18 : Cancer Genetics and Genomics
↦ Part VI : Genetic Technology
 19 :  DNA Technologies
 20 :  Genetic Testing and Treatment
 21 :  Reproductive Technologies
➥ 22 :  Genomics

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