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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Lewin's Cells

Title of the book : Lewin's Cells
Author                 : George Plopper, David Sharp, Eric Sikorski, Benjamin Lewin
Edition                : 3rd
Book language  : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 170 MB
pages                    : 1080

➤Description :

The ideal text for undergraduate and graduate students in advanced cell biology courses Extraordinary technological advances in the last century have fundamentally altered the way we ask questions about biology, and undergraduate and graduate students must have the necessary tools to investigate the world of the cell. The ideal text for students in advanced cell biology courses.

➤ Brief Contents:

↦ Part one : Introduction
⧫  1 : What is a cell?

⧫  2 : Bioenergetics and cellular metabolism
  3 : DNA replication, repair, and recombination
⧫  4 : Gene expression and regulation
⧫  5 : Protein structure and function
↦ Part Two : Membranes and transport mechanisms
⧫ 6 : Transport of ions and small molecules across membranes
⧫ 7 : Membrane targeting of proteins
⧫ 8 : Protein trafficking between membranes
↦ Part Three : The nucleus
⧫  : Nuclear structure and transport.
⧫ 10 : Chromatin and chromosomes.

↦ Part Four : The cytoskeleton
⧫ 11 : Microtubules
⧫ 12 : Actin
⧫ 13 : Intermediate filaments
↦ Part Five : Cell division, apoptosis, and cancer
⧫ 14 : Mitosis
⧫ 15 : Cell cycle regulation
⧫ 16 : Apoptosis
⧫ 17 : Cancer: Principles and overview
↦ Part Six : Cell communication

⧫ 18 : Principles of cell signaling
⧫ 19 : The extracellular matrix and cell adhesion
↦ Part Seven : Prokaryotic and plant cells
⧫ 20 : Prokaryotic cell biology
⧫ 21 : Plant cell biology.
⧫ Glossary
⧫ Index

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