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lundi 20 juillet 2020

The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments

Title of the book :  The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments
Author                 : Robert Brent
Publisher             : Golden Press
Year                      : 1960
Book language   : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size              : 28 MB
Pages                   : 114

➤Description :

The Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments was a children's chemistry book written in the 1960 by Robert Brent and illustrated by Harry Lazarus and published by Western Publishing in their Golden Books series.
 Many of the experiments contained in the book are now considered highly dangerous for unsupervised children, and would not appear in a modern children's chemistry book.
 OCLC lists only 126 copies of this book in libraries worldwide. It was said that the experiments and information contained herein were too dangerous for the general public.

➤ Brief Table of Contents: 

⧫ ➜ 1 : What Chemistry Is

⧫ ➜ 2 : Your Home Laboratory

⧫  3 : The Scientific Approach

  4 : Water and Gases

⧫  5 : Chemical Formulas 
⧫ ➜ 6 : Acids , Bases , and Salts
⧫  7 :  Nonmetals

⧫  8 :  Metals 
⧫  9 :  More about Formulas
  10 : Organic Chemistry
 ⧫  11 :Chemical Mathematics 
⧫  12 : The Future of Chemistry
⧫ ➜ Index

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