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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Basic Concepts of Chemistry

Title of the book :  Basic Concepts of Chemistry 
Edition                 :  8th
Author                 : Leo J. Malone,Theodore Dolter
Publisher             : Wiley
Year                      : 2008
Book language   : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size              : 23 MB
Pages                   : 726

➤Description :

Engineers who need to have a better understanding of chemistry will benefit from this accessible book. It places a stronger emphasis on outcomes assessment, which is the driving force for many of the new features. Each section focuses on the development and assessment of one or two specific objectives. Within each section, a specific objective is included, an anticipatory set to orient the reader, content discussion from established authors, and guided practice problems for relevant objectives. These features are followed by a set of independent practice problems.

➤Table of Contents: 

⧫ Prologue    : Introduction to the Study of Chemistry
⧫ Chapter  1 : Measurements in Chemistry 
⧫ Chapter  2 : Elements and Compounds
⧫ Chapter  3 : The Properties of Matter and Energy

 Chapter  4 : The Periodic Table and Chemical Nomenclature 
⧫ Chapter  5 : Chemical Reactions
⧫ Chapter  6 : Quantities in Chemistry
⧫ Chapter  7 : Quantitative Relationships in Chemical Reactions
⧫ Chapter  8 : Modern Atomic Theory
⧫ Chapter  9 :  The Chemical Bond
⧫ Chapter 10: The Gaseous State 
⧫ Chapter 11 : The Solid and Liquid States
⧫ Chapter 12 :  Aqueous Solutions
⧫ Chapter 13 :  Acids, Bases, and Salts
⧫ Chapter 14 :  Oxidation–Reduction Reactions
⧫ Chapter 15 : Reaction Rates and Equilibrium
⧫ Chapter 16 : Nuclear Chemistry
⧫ Chapter 17 : Organic Chemistry (WEB)
⧫ Chapter 18 : Biochemistry (WEB)

⧫ Appendix A : Basic Mathematics . 
⧫ Appendix B : Basic Algebra .
⧫ Appendix C:  Scientific Notation . 
⧫ Appendix D : Graphs .
⧫ Appendix E : Calculators
⧫ Appendix F : Glossary
⧫ Appendix G: Answers to Problems

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