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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Molecular Cell Biology ( Fifth edition )

Title of the book : Molecular Cell Biology
Authors                : H.Lodish, A.Berk, Paul.M, A. Kaiser, M.Krieger, P.Scott,Zipursky, J.Darnell
Edition                : 5 th Edition
Year                     : 2008
Book language  : English
File format          : PDF
File  size               : 55.1 MB
pages                    : 973

➤Description :

Molecular Cell Biology stands out from its peers in this course in that it provides a clear introduction to the techniques and experiments of scientists past and present,  not just an “encyclopedia” of information.
This experimental emphasis, together with a solid pedagogical framework in the chapters, provides the clearest, most cutting-edge text available. 

➤Brief table of Contents: 

⧫ Chapter  1 : Life Begins with Cells
⧫ Chapter  2 : Chemical Foundations
⧫ Chapter  3 : Protein Structure and Function
 Chapter  4 : Basic Molecular Genetic Mechanisms
⧫ Chapter  5 : Biomembranes and Cell Architecture
⧫ Chapter  6 : Integrating Cells into Tissues
⧫ Chapter  7 : Transport of Ions and Small Molecules Across Cell Membranes
⧫ Chapter  8 : Cellular Energetics
⧫ Chapter  9 : Molecular Genetic Techniques and Genomics
⧫ Chapter 10 : Molecular Structure of Genes and Chromosomes
⧫ Chapter 11 : Transcriptional Control of Gene Expression
⧫ Chapter 12 : Post-transcriptional Gene Control and Nuclear Transport
⧫ Chapter 13 : Signaling at the Cell Surface
⧫ Chapter 14 : Signaling Pathways That Control Gene Activity
⧫ Chapter 15 : Integration of Signals and Gene Controls
⧫ Chapter 16 : Moving Proteins into Membranes and Organelles
⧫ Chapter 17 : Vesicular Traffic, Secretion, and Endocytosis
⧫ Chapter 18 : Metabolism and Movement of Lipids
⧫ Chapter 19 : Microfilaments and Intermediate Filaments
⧫ Chapter 20 : Microtubules
⧫ Chapter 21 : Regulating the Eukaryotic Cell Cycle
⧫ Chapter 22 : Cell Birth, Lineage, and Death
⧫ Chapter 23 : Cancer
⧫ References 

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