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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Title of the book : Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Pharmacology
Author                :  Stanley Zaslau
Year                     : 2013
Book language  : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 16.82 MB
pages                    : 319

➤Description :

Lippincott's Illustrated Q&A Review of Pharmacology offers up-to-date, clinically relevant board-style questions—perfect for course review and board prep. 1,000 multiple-choice questions with detailed answer explanations cover frequently tested topics in pharmacology, including questions related to clinical topics and divided by body systems.
The book features full-color illustrations and offers flexible study options with online access to the questions and answers on a companion website.

➤Contents : 

⧫ Chapter  1 : Principles of Pharmacology.
⧫ Chapter  2 : Principles pf Neuropharmacology.
⧫ Chapter  3 : Cardiovascular Pharmacology.

 Chapter  4 : Endocrine Pharmacology.
⧫ Chapter  5 : Drug Affecting Other Systems (Including GI and Pulmonary).
⧫ Chapter  6 : Chemotherapeutic Drugs.
⧫ Chapter  7 : Inflammation ,Immune Pharmacology, and Toxicology.

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