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lundi 20 juillet 2020

General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications

Title of the book : General Chemistry ,Principles and Modern Applications
Author                 :Ralph H. Petrucci, F. Geoffrey Herring, Jeffry D. Madura, Carey Bissonnette
Publisher             : Pearson Prentice Hall
Edition                : Tenth Edition
Book language    : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 112 MB
pages                    : 1425

➤Description :

General Chemistry: Principles and Modern Applications is recognized for its superior problems, lucid writing, precision of argument, and precise and detailed treatment of chemistry. Its innovative pedagogical features, which encourage students to understand, apply, and synthesize content, reinforce the principles of general chemistry and provide the ideal platform for later studies.

➤ Brief Table of Contents: 

⧫ Chapter  1 : Matter: Its Properties and Measurement
⧫ Chapter  2 : Atoms and the Atomic Theory

⧫ Chapter  3 : Chemical Compounds
 Chapter  4 : Chemical Reactions
⧫ Chapter  5 : Introduction to Reactions in Aqueous Solutions
⧫ Chapter  6 : Gases
⧫ Chapter  7 : Thermochemistry
⧫ Chapter  8 : Electrons in Atoms
⧫ Chapter  9 : The Periodic Table and Some Atomic Properties
⧫ Chapter 10 : Chemical Bonding I: Basic Concepts
⧫ Chapter 11 : Chemical Bonding II: Additional Aspects
⧫ Chapter 12 : Intermolecular Forces: Liquids and Solids

⧫ Chapter 13 : Solutions and Their Physical Properties
⧫ Chapter 14 : Chemical Kinetics
⧫ Chapter 15 : Principles of Chemical Equilibrium
⧫ Chapter 16 : Acids and Bases
⧫ Chapter 17 : Additional Aspects of Acid Base Equilibria
⧫ Chapter 18 : Solubility and Complex-Ion Equilibria
⧫ Chapter 19 : Spontaneous Change: Entropy and Gibbs Energy
⧫ Chapter 20 : ElectrochemistryTReactions
⧫ Chapter 21 : Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements I: Groups 1, 2, 13, and 14
⧫ Chapter 22 : Chemistry of the Main-Group Elements II: Groups 18, 17, 16, 15, and Hydrogen
⧫ Chapter 23 : The Transition Elements
⧫ Chapter 24 : Complex Ions and Coordination Compounds
⧫ Chapter 25 : Nuclear Chemistry
⧫ Chapter 26 : Structures of Organic Compounds
⧫ Chapter 27 : Reactions of Organic Compounds
⧫ Chapter 28 : Reactions of Organic Compounds

⧫ Appendix A : Mathematical Operations
⧫ Appendix B : Some Basic Physical Concept
⧫ Appendix C : SI Unites
⧫ Appendix D : Data Tables.
⧫ Appendix E : Concept Maps
⧫ Appendix F : Glossary 
⧫ Appendix G : Answers to Concepts Assessment Questions 

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