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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Fundamentals Of Analytical Chemistry

Title of the book : Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry 
Author                 : Douglas A. Skoog , Donald M. West, F. James Holler, Stanley R. Crouch
Publisher             : Cengage Learning 
Year                     : 2013
Book language    : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 94MB
Hardcover            : 1072 pages

➤Description :

Known for its Readability and Systematic approach , this fully updated Ninth Edition of Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry offers extensive coverage oh the principales and practices of analytic chemistry and consistently shows students its applied nature .The book's award-winning authors begin each chapter with a story and photo of how analytic chemistry is applied in industry. medecine… and all the sciences .To further reinforce student learning a wealth of dynamic photographs by renowned Chemistry photographer Charlie Winters appear as Chapter-Openers and throughout the text.
Incorporating Excel spreadsheets as problem-solving tool, the Ninth Edition is enhanced by a chapter on Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry , updated spreadsheet summaries and problems an " Excel Shortcut Keystrokes for the PC " insert card , and a supplement by the text authors, Excel Applications For Analytical Chemistry …. 

➤Table of Contents: 

⧫ Chapter  1 : The Nature of Analytical Chemistry 
↦ Part one: Tools of Analytical Chemistry
⧫ Chapter  2 : Chemicals , Apparatus , and Unit Operations of Analytical Chemistry 
⧫ Chapter  3 : Using Spreadsheets in Analytical Chemistry 
 Chapter  4 : Calculations Used in Analytical Chemistry  
⧫ Chapter  5 : Errors in Chemical Analysis 
⧫ Chapter  6 : Random Errors in Chemical Analysis 
⧫ Chapter  7 : Statistical Data Treatment and Evaluation 
⧫ Chapter  8 : Sampling , Standardization, and Calibration
↦ Part Two :  Chemical Equilibria 
⧫ Chapter  9 : Aqueous Solutions and Chemical Equilibria 
⧫ Chapter 10: Effect of Electrolytes on Chemical Equilibria  
⧫ Chapter  11 :Solving  Equilibrium Problems for Complex Systems

↦ Part Three : Classical Methods of Analysis 
⧫ Chapter  12 : Gravimetric Methods of Analysis 
⧫ Chapter 13 : Titrations on Analytical Chemistry 
⧫ Chapter 14 : Principales of Neutralization Titrations
⧫ Chapter 15 : Complex Acid/Base Systems
⧫ Chapter 16 : Applications and Precipitations Reaction and Titrations 
⧫ Chapter 17 : Complexation and Precipitation Reactions and Titrations 
↦ Part Four : Electrochemical Methods
⧫ Chapter 18 : Introduction to Electrochemistry 
⧫ Chapter 19 : Applications of Standard Electrode Potentials 
⧫ Chapter 20 : Applications of Oxidation/Reduction Titrations 
⧫ Chapter 21 :  Potentiometry
⧫ Chapter 22 : Bulk Electrolysis: Electrogravimetry and Coulometry 
⧫ Chapter 23 : Voltammetry
↦ Part Five : Spectrochemical Methods 
⧫ Chapter 24 : Introduction to Spectrochemical Methods
⧫ Chapter 25 :  Instruments for Optical Spectrometry 
⧫ Chapter 26 :  Molecular Absorption Spectrometry 
⧫ Chapter 27 : Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy 
⧫ Chapter 28 : Atomic Spectroscopy 
⧫ Chapter 29 : Mass Spectrometry
↦ Part Six  : Kinetics and Separations 
⧫ Chapter 30 :  Kinetic Methods of Analysis 
⧫ Chapter 31 :  Introduction to Analytical Separations
⧫ Chapter 32 : Gas Chromatography 
⧫ Chapter 33 : Hight-Performance Liquide Chromatography
⧫ Chapter 34 : Miscellaneous Separation Methods 
↦ Part Seven : Aspects of Chemical Analysis
⧫ Chapter 35 : The Analysis of Real Samples
⧫ Chapter 36 : Preparing Samples for Analysis 
⧫ Chapter 37 : Decomposing and Dissolving the Sample 
⧫ Chapter 38 : Selected Methods of Analysis .

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