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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Essentials of Ecology

Title of the book  : Essentials of Ecology
Author                  : Colin R. Townsend, Michael Begon, John L. Harper
Edition                 : 3 rd Edition
Book language   : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 34.6 MB
pages                    : 523

➤Description :

This textbook presents introductory ecology in an accessible, state-of-the-art format designed to cultivate the novice student's understanding of, and fascination with, the natural world.
 In a concise, engaging style, this text outlines the essential principles of ecology from the theoretical fundamentals to their practical applications. Full color artwork, simple pedagogical features, and a wide range of carefully-chosen examples make this book an ideal introduction to ecology for students at all levels.

➤Short Contents :

↦ Part one : Introduction
⧫  1 : Ecology and how to do it
⧫  2 : Ecology’s evolutionary backdrop

↦ Part Two : Conditions and Resources
⧫  3 : Physical conditions and the availability of resources
⧫  4 : Conditions, resources and the world’s communities

↦ Part Three : Individuals, Populations, Communities and Ecosystems
⧫ Birth, death and movement
⧫ 6 : Interspecific competition
⧫ 7 : Predation, grazing and disease
⧫ 8 : Evolutionary ecology
⧫ : From populations to communities.
⧫ 10 : Patterns in species richness.
⧫ 11 : The flux of energy and matter through ecosystems 

↦ Part Four : Applied Issues in Ecology
⧫ 12 : Sustainability
⧫ 13 : Habitat degradation
⧫ 14 : Conservation

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