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lundi 20 juillet 2020

Cambridge International A As-level Biology : Revision Guide

Title of the book : Cambridge International A As-level Biology
Authors                : Mary Jones
Year                     : 2010
Publisher             : Philip Allan
Book language  : English
File format          : PDF 
File  size               : 35 MB
pages                    : 258

➤Description :

This Cambridge International A/AS-level Biology Revision Guide provides exam-focused text to guide students through the content and skills of the course to prepare them for their AS and A-level exams. 
- The Introduction contains an overview of the course and how it is assessed, advice on revision and taking the examination papers. 
The Content Guidance section provides a summary of the facts and concepts that you need to know for the examination. 
- The Experimental Skills & Investigations section explains the data-handling skills you will need to answer some of the questions in the written papers. It also explains the practical skills that you will need in order to do well in the practical examination. 
- The Questions and Answers section contains a specimen examination paper for you to try, followed by a set of student's answers for each question, with comments from an examiner to help you identify exactly what is required in the exam...

➤Syllabus Content : 

The content of the AS syllabus is divided into 11 Sections : 

↦ A  : Cell Structure
 B  : Biological Molecules 
↦ C  : Enzymes 
↦ D  : Cell Membranes and Transport 
↦ E  : Cell and Nuclear Division
↦ F  : Genetic Control 
↦ G : Transport 
↦ H : Gas Exchange
↦ I  : Infectious Disease
↦ J : Immunity
↦ K : Ecology

The content of the A2 syllabus is divided into 10 Sections : 

↦ L : Energy and Respiration 
↦ M: Photosynthesis
↦ N: Regulation and Control
↦ O : Inherited Change 
↦ P : Selection and Evolution
↦ Q : Biodiversity and Conservation
↦ R : Gene Technology
↦ S : Biotechnology
↦ T : Crop Plants 
↦ U : Aspects of Human Reproduction 

The main part of this book , the content Guidance , summarises the facts and concepts covered by the learning autcomes in all of these sections.

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